
Showing posts from February, 2023

Privacy Policy

1. Eligibility 1.1 Children aged 4 to 15 may use the Service with parental consent and supervision. 1.2 Parents or legal guardians are responsible for monitoring and supervising their children's use of the Service. 2. User Accounts 2.1 Parents or legal guardians may be required to create an account on behalf of their children to use certain features of the Service. 2.2 Parents or legal guardians are responsible for providing accurate and complete information when creating an account for their children. 2.3 Parents or legal guardians are solely responsible for all activities that occur under their children's accounts. 3. Educational Content 3.1 The Service provides educational content designed to improve children's emotional, financial, social, and school intelligence. 3.2 We strive to provide age-appropriate and engaging educational content, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such content. 4. Multiplayer Features 4.1 The Service may include multiplayer