Privacy Policy

1. Eligibility 1.1 Children aged 4 to 15 may use the Service with parental consent and supervision. 1.2 Parents or legal guardians are responsible for monitoring and supervising their children's use of the Service. 2. User Accounts 2.1 Parents or legal guardians may be required to create an account on behalf of their children to use certain features of the Service. 2.2 Parents or legal guardians are responsible for providing accurate and complete information when creating an account for their children. 2.3 Parents or legal guardians are solely responsible for all activities that occur under their children's accounts. 3. Educational Content 3.1 The Service provides educational content designed to improve children's emotional, financial, social, and school intelligence. 3.2 We strive to provide age-appropriate and engaging educational content, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such content. 4. Multiplayer Features 4.1 The Service may include multiplayer features that allow children to compete with their friends in educational games or challenges. 4.2 Children must obtain parental consent before participating in multiplayer activities. 4.3 We encourage positive and respectful interactions among users in multiplayer mode. Bullying, harassment, or any other inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated. 5. Reward System 5.1 Our educational app offers a reward system ("Rewards") as a part of the Service. 5.2 Rewards may include virtual currency, Scholarships, in-app items, badges, or other incentives designed to motivate and engage children in learning activities. 6. Earning Rewards 6.1 Children may earn Rewards by completing educational activities, achieving milestones in emotional, financial, social, or school intelligence, or participating in multiplayer competitions. 6.2 The criteria for earning Rewards may vary depending on the type of activity and may be subject to change at our discretion. 7. Redemption of Rewards’ 7.1 Rewards may be redeemed within the Service for in-app benefits, such as unlocking new levels, customizing avatars, accessing premium content, or participating in special events. 7.2 Rewards may have expiration dates or other limitations, which will be communicated to children and their parents or legal guardians at the time of earning. 8. Reward Conditions 8.1 Rewards have no cash value and may not be exchanged for cash or any other tangible value. It will be based on scholarships. 8.2 We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Reward system at any time without notice. 8.3 Rewards may be revoked or withheld if we believe that they were obtained fraudulently or in violation of these Terms and Conditions. 9. Parental Controls 9.1 Parents or legal guardians may have access to parental controls to monitor and manage their children's use of the Service, including setting time limits, restricting access to certain content, or disabling multiplayer features. 10. Changes to Terms and Conditions 10.1 We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 30 days' notice prior to any new terms taking effect. 10.2 By continuing to access or use the Service after any revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, you must stop using the Service. By allowing your c///d to use the Service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood/d, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not allow your child to access or use the Service.


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